What is the project about?


The REUNION project aims at contributing to a more frequent execution of FD 2008/909/JHA in relation to FD 829/2009, 947/2008 and art. 12 of the EAW, via mutual learning activities, through the update and creation of training materials (e.g., a thematic database of jurisprudence, case-law workbook) but also by the implementation of training activities to enhance the proper execution of FD 909, having judges and prosecutors as its principal target group, but will also lawyers, courts, prosecution offices and prison staffs.

For more efficient and humane process ensuring their fundamental rights.

This project is funded by the European Union
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In this project CIRD will support IPoS in all of the project tasks, especially with the management and coordination and financial aspects.

CIRD will also assist whenever necessary with the research, training and dissemination activities. The project will conduct an EU survey, which will encompass questions regarding judges’ and prosecutors, but also lawyers’ and prison staff’ training needs regarding the coherent application of FD 909 for the promotion of inmate rehabilitation. The project partners will conduct six-focus group in the form of co-creative laboratories for the exchange of ideas and practices. In addition national focus groups will be carried out for the identification of solutions for a more coherent implementation of FD 909 in relation to FD 829/2009, 947/2008 and art. 12 of the EAW. Judges, prosecutors, lawyers but also court and prosecution offices’ and prison staff will take part in the focus groups. In order to assess, validate and monitor the training offers of the REUNION project, a permanent expert observatory, will be set up. IPoS together with the partners will identify and translate pre-existing materials regarding FD 909 in relation to FD 829/2009, 947/2008 and art. 12 of the EAW. Following a thorough screening of pertinent case-law related to FD 909 in relation to FD 829/2009, 947/2008 and art. 12 of the EAW, one thematic database of jurisprudence will be created and will be available on the project’s website. A comprehensive collection of CJEU’s and fictitious cases referring to FD 909, especially concerning the breach of fundamental rights and rehabilitation processes while offering possible legal solutions will be provided to judges, prosecutors, and lawyers. Several cross-ambience working group seminars will be held in the partner countries. Closing up the project’s rounds of mutual-learning activities and workshops, the partnership will implement the project’s final conference, that will maximise the number of professionals reached by the project’s initiatives and materials. The partners will develop a Train-the-Trainer course for sustainability and an E-learning course on the effective application of FD 909 in relation to FD 829/2009, 947/2008 and art. 12 of the EAW. In order to assess the success of REUNION’s training, the partners will evaluate all training activties for sustainability. Four e-Zines will be designed and disseminated during the life span of the project. The project’s Consortium will reach out to JUSTICE TRENDS (JT) Magazine. Relevant information regarding the project will be a feature across one JT booklet foreseen to be published throughout REUNION’s lifespan.

  • Objective 1: is to establish the preliminary work for adequately supporting judges, prosecutors, lawyers, court and prosecution offices’ and prison staff when dealing with cross-border execution of judgements involving the deprivation of liberty, more specifically, FD 909.
  • Objective 2: is to contribute to originating and broadening knowledge between the target group alongside the update and production of learning materials and the organisation of cross-border training activities.
  • Objective 3: is connected to creating distance-based and sustainable training programmes on the effective application of FD 909 in relation to FD 829/2009, 947/2008 and art. 12 of the EAW. They will touch upon its theoretical and practical thematic and how the target group can best use it.
  • Objective 4: REUNION’s activities will stress the importance of FD 909 for the detainee’s social rehabilitation and how some practical challenges block its effective implementation in the EU Member States, considering also the relation to FD 829/2009, 947/2008 and art. 12 of the EAW.
  • Objective 5: REUNION’s activities will strive for close cooperation between judicial authorities, therefore contributing to “increased knowledge of […] criminal law and fundamental rights […] improved mutual trust between justice professionals in cross-border judicial cooperation.
  • (surveillance) judges
  • (public) prosecutors
  • lawyers
  • courts
  • prosecution offices’ staff
  • prison staff
  • Result/Impact/Outcome 1:
    Extended use of FD 909 by judicial practitioners (surveillance judges and prosecutors), lawyers, court and prosecution offices’ staff and prison staff
  • Result/Impact/Outcome 2:
    Widened understanding of the difficulties faced by the target group when using FD 909 and ability to implement needs based training
  • Result/Impact/Outcome 3:
    Increased opportunities for the target group to access evidence-based training, in line with the goals of the European Judicial Training Strategy 2021-2024 (EC, 2020), therefore contributing to reaching its targets
  • Result/Impact/Outcome 4:
    Target group is capacitated and empowered to use the FD, through a thorough understanding of its legal andadministrative aspects
  • Result/Impact/Outcome 5:
    Improved understanding of the principle of mutual trust and mutual recognition by judges, prosecutors and court staff
  • Result/Impact/Outcome 6:
    Enhanced knowledge on gender-specific issues and associated needs linked to the FD’s use
  • Result/Impact/Outcome 7:
    Upscaled Human Rights-compliant and rehabilitation-oriented usage of FD 909, with special regard to the needs offoreign offenders and specifically non-male inmates
  • Result/Impact/Outcome 8:
    Widespread dissemination and usage of EJTN’s Atlas for identifying the competent authority and project products suchas translated pre-existing materials and manuals, case-law workbook, the cross-ambience working group seminarsreport that facilitate the usage of the FD by the target group
  • Result/Impact/Outcome 9:
    Increased knowledge by the judges, prosecutors, court staff and lawyers regarding other Member States judicialsystems, including detention conditions and sentence enforcement and modalities
  • Ministero della giustizia (Italy)
  • Fondazione agenfor international (Italy)
  • Hochschule für Öffentliche Verwaltung Bremen (Germany)
  • Qualify just – it solutions and consulting lda (Portugal)
  • Fundacion universidad loyola andalucia (Spain)
  • European strategies consulting srl (Romania)
  • Krajowa szkola sadowinictwa I prokuratury (Poland)
  • Penitenciarul baia mare (Romania)
  • IPoS/HfÖV

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