Sarah Holland-Kunkel

First board and founding member (1. Vorsitzende)

Sarah is our expert for projectmanagement. She holds a certificate of the International Projectmanagement Association (IPMA) and her research expertise and field of interest are Good Governance and Human Rights. She also works as a lecturer at universities in the field of projectmanagement and human rights. Sarah has plenty of work experience in the implementation of international and national funded projects under the framework of the e.g. EU Justice programm, EU ISF Fond, Twinning as well as under the federal ministries BMFSFJ and BMBF.

Curriculum Vitae

  • 2020–present

    Member of Scientific Board: European Public Law Organization | Greece

    Project Manager, Lecturer and Researcher at the Northern Business School Hamburg

  • 2018–present

    Executive Head of Board at the Civic Institute to promote the Rule of Democracy, Lübeck / Germany, Law Enforcement and Justice Sector; Human Rights and European Law; Civil Society engagement

  • 2018–2020

    Master of Arts at the University Leuphana, Lüneburg / Germany, Human Rights and Good Governance

  • 2018–2020

    Master of Arts at the University Leuphana, Lüneburg / Germany, Human Rights and Good Governance

  • 2017–2018

    IPMA Certificate at the German Project Management Association GPMA, Hamburg / Germany, International Project and Process Management

  • 2017–present
    • Lecturer and Researcher at the HfÖV Bremen, Bremen / Germany
    • Project and Process Manager at Hamburg Human Rights Initiative, Hamburg / Germany, organisation, implementation and evaluation of projects in the field of Humanitarian Aid, Democracy and Human Rights
    • Project and Process Management at the Institute for Police and Security Research, Bremen / Germany, implementation, monitoring, financial compliance and process management of projects funded by the European Union in the field of Human Rights, Good Governance, Rule of Law, Law Enforcement and Justice Sector
    • Project Coordinator for several projects at the University for Public Administration / Institute for Police and Security Research, Bremen / Germany
  • 2013–2017

    Bachelor of Arts at the Macromedia University, Hamburg / Germany, Business Administration

  • 2014

    Certificate Business Administration at the National University, San Diego / USA

Trygve Ben Holland/Sarah Holland-Kunkel/Arthur Hartmann/Gabriela Piontkowski. 2022. Grenzüberschreitender polizeilicher Datenaustausch in der Europäischen Sicherheits-union: Neue Regelungen, neue Möglichkeiten – und alte Schranken. Zeitschrift für Kriminalistik, 11/2022.

Trygve Ben Holland/Sarah Holland-Kunkel/Timo Heidorn/Volker Kunkel/Arthur Hartmann/Gabriela Piontkowski/André Röhl/Kurt Kramer/Ayelet Sapir. 2022. Original Fake: Works of Art, Organised Crime and the Subversion of Culture – A Question of (Inter-)National Security. Frankfurt a.M.: Verlag für Polizeiwissenschaft.

Trygve Ben Holland/Sarah Holland/Arthur Hartmann/Gabriela Piontkowski. 2022. Illegaler Handel mit Kulturgütern: Zur Gefährdung der inneren Sicherheit mittels Marktplatzierung gefälschter und/oder Raubgrabungen entspringender Artefakte durch Kriminelle Netzwerke: Fokus Albanien. Zeitschrift für Kriminalistik, 9/2022.

Trygve Ben Holland/Sarah Holland-Kunkel/Arthur Hartmann/Gabriela Piontkowski. 2022. Hic Sunt Dracones. Zeitschrift für Kriminalistik, 6/2022.

Trygve Ben Holland/Sarah Holland-Kunkel/Arthur Hartmann/Gabriela Piontkowski. 2022. Strukturen Krimineller Netzwerke als Hindernis erfolgreicher Deradikalisierungs- und Disengagement-Maßnahmen. Zeitschrift für Kriminalistik, 5/2022.

Trygve Ben Holland/Sarah Holland-Kunkel/André Röhl/Carina Zachau. 2022. European Security Union – On the Dichotomy of Liberty and Security in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice. Frankfurt a.M.: Verlag für Polizeiwissenschaft.

Jonas Krüger/Sarah Holland/Trygve Ben Holland. 2021. Zur Qualifizierung des Ex-tremismus Sorgeberechtigter als Kindeswohlgefährdung. Zeitschrift für Kriminalistik, 7/2021.

Trygve Ben Holland/Sarah Holland-Kunkel/André Röhl. 2021. Enforcing Rights at the European Level, Public International Law. Courts & Adjudication eJournal.

Trygve Ben Holland/Sarah Holland-Kunkel/André Röhl. 2021. Strengthening European Issues in Civil Security Study Programmes. International Economic Law e-Journal.

Trygve Ben Holland/Sarah Holland-Kunkel. 2021. Antifactism: Proxy Wars on the Freedom of Expression. Frankfurt a.M.: Verlag für Polizeiwissenschaft.

Sarah Holland-Kunkel/Trygve Ben Holland. 2019. Strukturierte Risiko-Management-Systeme für kleine und mittelgroße Unternehmen. In: Vogt/Endreß/Peters (Hrsg.), Wirtschaftsschutz in der Praxis: Positionen zur Unternehmenssicherheit. Wiesbaden: Springer Verlag.

Sarah Holland/ Gabriela Piontkowski/Arthur Hartmann/Ben Holland. 2020. Radikalisierung und Deradikalisierung in deutschen Strafvollzugsanstalten. Frankfurt: Verlag für Polizeiwissenschaft, ISBN 978-3-86676-559-7.

Sarah Holland/ Gabriela Piontkowski/Arthur Hartmann/Ben Holland. 2019. De-/Radikalisierung in deutschen Justizvollzugsanstalten: Radikalität erkennen. Kriminalistik, Heft 10, S.  578 – 585.

Sarah Holland/Arthur Hartmann/Ben Holland. 2018. Geldwäsche in Europa: Terrorismus und Organisierte Kriminalität. Frankfurt a.M.: Verlag für Polizeiwissenschaft. ISBN 978-3-86676-539-9.